Day One

Bangkok to Petchaburi transfer

Petchaburi to Hua Hin (88km)

Day one and we were all very keen to get on our bikes and get peddling. After a short drive out of the heart of Bangkok we were given a wonderful farewell, along with orchid garlands and songs of encouragement, by a group of children, Khun Prateep and Khun Rotjana from the orphanage.  

The 88km cycle to Hua Hin was flat, scenic and RELATIVELY easy as we all got our cycling legs going. We passed through salt fields and small towns, gorgeous coastal scenery – on everything from highways to small country laneways. The kids were off to a strong start putting us all to shame by cycling most of the way with us – with John in the support car making sure we were all safe of course!!! 

Ian with his rather large sheepskin seat was the envy of everyone, so just to make sure he wasn’t doing it too easy, Tony decided to load up his bike with paraphenalia – a toy windmill, fluffy toys and of course some very special pink streamers on the handlebars. The team spirit had begun on a wonderful note and the chatter was both enthusiastic and interesting, while the scenery kept our minds off our butts and thighs:) Water stops (and the occasional ice cream stop) were plentiful and lunch at Cha Am a welcomed break…but not as welcome as the beach and pool that awaited us at the end of day one. Dinner and a LONG walk to the night markets for more ice cream saw the end of Day 1 as we all crashed pretty exhausted, but happy to have the first ride behind us.


~ by arawata on January 20, 2009.

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